We want to acknowledge our 2024 donors.  Through their donations we accomplished:

  • Poet-Tree Trail, Memorial and Honoree Gifts supported: Tree, shrub and flower bed maintenance Greenway Trail, Lake Arrowhead, Ralph Dean Park
  • New Benches at Lake Arrowhead
  • Replacement benches on Greenway Trail
  • Greenway Extension engineering planning and archeological studies to create a historical trail and park at Yager Spring
  • Water Fountain replacement at the Linden Ave. entrance to the Greenway Trail
  • Any Undesignated funds to be used as the Foundation deems necessary for the maintenance and enhancements of the Greenway Trail and Luray Parks

Grateful for our 2024 Donors

Individual Donors

Wanda Butler
Karen Johnson
Eric Giboney
David Terril
John and Linda Spitko
Lisa Crofton
Marie Ryman
Paula Atwood
Brigette Allen
Mary Ann Baugher
Christine and Fred Andreae
Craig and Tabby Ruffner
Sharon Painter’s Family & Friends
Anonyms Cash Donations at Ruffner Plaza Grand Reopening
Mike Stockhaus
Lisa Gerrity
James and Kathleen Carr
Summer Williams
Bob and Sally Kelley
Ms. Giovannella Frankel
Suzanne and Gary Grant
Anonyms Cash Donations at Annual Greenway Potluck
Margaret Mims Hamilton
Susan DeGaetani
Robert and Virginia Taggert
Anonyms Donor through Ameriprise Financial
Susan and Tim Rocke
Summer Williams
Mary Green
Gladys McNemar

Organizations & Associations

Shenandoah Valley Cloggers
Community Works Page County

Business Community

Shenandoah River Outfitters
Luray Caverns
Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative – Operation Round Up Grant
Luray Copy Service
Aldie Peddler in Aldie VA

ail and Luray Parks